Sunday, May 29, 2022

Game Dev: User Interface (And More)

Progress is going well since April 3 (84 commits) with the following features added: controls for vertical force, horizontal force, and game settings, feedback icons for remaining throws, die forces, and camera position, and entire game play loop with introduction screen (and theme).  Furthermore, I have done a lot of refactoring of the code, so that it will be scalable when creating new game board scenes.  Found a great use for Unity's ScriptableObject too!

Game play user interface.

TOP: Left is the next die to be thrown, along with the remaining platforms.  Center is the player's score.  Right the game settings.

BOTTOM: Left the horizontal force with the slider control.  Center is the camera's vertical position.  Right the vertical force with the slider control.  All of these change color from green to red, weak to strong, respectively.

Settings dialog with the available options shown.

Title screen user interface (working title blurred), which has the computer playing in the background on a generic themed scene.

I have been building up the necessary skills to make quality YouTube videos (not just showing game play only).  My thoughts are centered around a style of content I do not see much of, which are those that show game progress and how the progress was made.  I want to focus the content on providing value to those wanting to learn about game development with an actual game being developed.

To close out this entry, even though I am still planning out new audio, the more important missing element is a way to play competitively.  Playing against the computer will be first, followed by local multiplayer (not going to speculate yet on Internet play).  Finally, getting the game in the hands of some testers.

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