Busy last couple of weeks, but I did manage to make some progress adding numbers to some of the dice and update the next die to be thrown indicator in a wheel formation. Adding numbers to the sides of the dice has been the most challenging aspect of the project so far. The face up calculation was quite easy, as well as which platform was most closely landed on, but it had a bug with three-point distance and I had to switch to two-point. In the video, you may notice that die faces are not necessarily arranged in the standard pattern, which is due to vertex winding since the code iterates through them linearly. Minor annoyance, so may address it later if someone feels strongly about it (and can probably prove it matters?).
Hopefully the crosshair is a little help. There were so many ways to implement this feature, but I landed on drawing on the canvas point-by-point. This method gave the greatest precision and flexibility to toggle on and off.
The camera is following the die, but not eagerly. I found the closer the camera was allowed to approach the die as it rolled, the more jitter in the players' view. Also, very excited to get more game mechanics implemented, which is that platforms fall after landed on. This is how I think the game loop will be completed in single player mode, with score tracking between play sessions.
Starting to think about sound, music, and visual effects to jazz up the fun factor!
Finally, to speed up my workflow creating content, I added a way to screenshot YouTube thumbnails from within the game (still working on screenshot functionality for Instagram).